Bright greetings! I am Tai, founder of the non-profit Spiral Light Personal Development. I started teaching holistic health in 2009, shortly after my first pregnancy, during which I completed a one year long accredited college for hypnotherapy. Qualifying the effect of entering the holistic arts and motherhood together is nearly impossible – but it was profound. As a result I founded Tai Alonna (“Spiral Light LLC”) providing hypnotherapeutic services. Over the next 3 years I earned accredited certifications in children’s yoga, pranayama yoga meditation, and Usui reiki. In 2012 we expanded to include yoga, meditation, and reiki with a focus to serve children on the Spectrum.
When I had 5 years of recovery under my belt, I evolved the fun self-help videos that were created after the birth of our second child to a weekly show. ‘Time With Tai’ focuses on serving moms and women in recovery wisdom based solutions for the challenges of life, parenting, and sobriety. The heart of Spiral Light is providing stress relief and core healing to all different types of people through pranayama yoga, and often we teach and share meditation on the show, providing free access to whoever needs it.
It is a my passion and calling to educate, motivate, and inspire our community. The power I was gifted to support people in obtaining high vibrational health, wealth, & happiness belongs wholy to God. Serving God through serving people is my purpose.
Thank you for visiting my website. Enjoy the videos and use the meditations.
In Service,
This 2000+ years old meditation is for those ready to empower themselves. It purifies, neutralizes shame/guilt/fear and revitalizes; An extremely powerful meditation that provides clarity, supports your life path, and provides you courage and strength to pursue your dreams. You do not need to be an advanced meditator, however discipline accelerates results. Certified by David Elliott.
The Japanese word ‘reiki’ can be translated as ‘universal life energy’ and the Usui System is a way of working with reiki for healing of self and others. The word healing is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness. Usui Shiki Ryoho addresses the whole person on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Accreditation by International Healers Association, International Institute for Complementary Therapists.
Certified in Hypno-Birthing, PTSD, Sports Performance, Smoking Cessation
Become your own Reiki Master, training in Usui Reiki and receiving your certification empowers you to heal yourself and creates the opportunity to build your own practice.